Foods from Poor people in US America that only Rich people in Africa eat

 Africa as you know is a very poor continent, people are facing a lot of difficulties and there is a shortage of food, clothing, energy and other resources.

As a result, there are very rich people, who most often are politicians, foreigners who have changed nationality, and drug dealers. He barely manages to rise in life due to corruption, kidnappings and robberies.

The topic of today is related to the foods that the poor in America eat that only middle and upper class people eat in Africa.

1. Pizza - Poor people in Africa don't even know what pizza is, and often think it's bread with sauce.

2. Hamburger - Meat is not even talked about. The poor in Africa live off agriculture and only eat cassava, corn, lettuce, tomatoes and wild fruits.

3. Drinking water - In some places in Africa people die of thirst for not having water to drink, I'm talking about any water (dirty and on the floor). It has been collecting water from the ground to be able to drink.

4. Hot Dog - In Africa you may think you are eating dead dogs, just to see the gravity of the situation. Rich people in Africca find this food a luxury.

5. Lasagna - Needless to say, this dish is only eaten by the rich in Africa, due to the prices of the ingredients it contains.

So these are some foods that I decided to talk about, there are many more foods and things that the poor in America have access to and only the rich in Africa have access.

 - * - * - Portugues

Africa como voce sabe e um continente muito pobre, as pessoas passam muitas dificuldades e ha muita excassez de comida, roupa, energia e outros recursos.

Com isso existem pessoas muito ricas, que na moioria das vezes, sao politicos, estrangeiros que mudaram de nacionalidade, e traficantes. Deficilmente consegue se subir na vida devido a corrupcao, raptos e roubos.

A assunto de hoje esta relacionada as comidas que os pobre na america comem que somente quem e da classe media e alta come na Africa.
1. Pizza - O pobre na Africa nem sabe o que e pizza, e muitas das vezes pensa que eh um pao com molho.

2. Hamburger - Carne entao nem se fala. O pobre na Africa vive da agricultura e so come mandioca, milho, alface, tomate e frutas silvestres.

3. Agua potavel - Em alguns lugares da Africa as pessoas morrem de sede por nao ter agua para beber, estou a falar de qualquer agua (suja e no chao). Tem apanhado agua no chao para poder beber.

4. Hot Dog - Na Africa podem pensar que estas a comer cao morto, so para ver a gravidade da situacao. Os ricos da Africca acham um luxo essa comida.

5. Lasanha - Nem preciso esplicar, esse prato somente e comido pelos ricos na Africa, deivido aos precos dos ingredientes que nele contem.

Entao estes sao alguns alimentos que decidi falar, existem muitos mais alimentos e coisas que os pobres na America temm acesso e somente os ricos da Africa tem acesso.
